.Our Story.

Adé is a Yoruba word meaning 'crown'. All of the products you will find in this line are designed to nourish and restore your crown to its full glory, and are pure and gentle enough to use on your whole family.

I was fueled by the lack of quality natural products for kinky textured hair and began tinkering with homemade concoctions for my hair after being reintroduced to my hairs natural state in 2006. After seeing how my hair responded to products made without synthetic preservatives, colors, fragrances, or additives I knew there was no going back! My passion for creating a more pure and vibrant approach to my lifestyle as a whole, led me to initially create this line of hair and body products for anyone else who might be on a similar path.

Each batch is made by hand with the purest ingredients available. Adé formulations will always be crafted with YOU in mind to keep our products natural, conscious, and effective.